Space for this website is provided by VE5KC and hosted on
The Canadian Amateur Radio Aurora Net
Map of Stations that have checked into the net
Maintained by Ron - VE6RLZ
This net is a meeting places for Amateur Radio Stations
giving operators the opportunity to make contacts, pass traffic
and encourage use of the 40 meter Amateur Radio band.
This is a SSB net but CW stations are welcome to check in.
Canadian stations are allowed to operate SSB in this portion of the band.
US stations in the lower 48 can only check I on CW
Afternoon Aurora Net in on daily at 23:00 UTC on 40 meters
We can be found on 7.100 MHz or the alternate 7.120 MHz.
The Net Manager is Todd, VE7GBO
There is an Evening Aurora Net on Sunday 9:30 PM CST
This net operates on 7.100 MHz (Manitoba time - year round)
Net Manager Wayne is VE4WR
*Dependant on band conditions & availability of Net Control Stations.*
Net Control Schedule
Group Calendar for Net Control Stations
Check out the Trans Provincial Net -